Soldiers To Sidelines and Troops To Energy Team to Provide Career Opportunities That Support Coaching

careers press release May 10, 2019

PRESS RELEASE: Soldiers To Sidelines is pleased to announce its partnership with Troops To Energy Jobs. The Troops to Energy Jobs initiative is designed to help veterans and members of the National Guard and Reserves make a successful transition to a rewarding career in the energy industry. The interactive road map guides participants step-by-step in transferring your military training to a new energy job, identifying any additional education and credentials you may need, and supporting you in your job search.

This is such an amazing opportunity for our Soldier Coaches and the energy sector as a whole.  Soldiers To Sidelines provides a new "tribe" and deep sense of service to its alumni while developing their high human skills to be more effective leaders. Through Troops To Energy Jobs we can also provide a pathway to high-level careers that are sensitive to the desires of military members to coach sports in the community. The energy sector has a vast array of jobs that range from engineering to law, to finance, to technicians, to logistics and beyond. This is the perfect way to truly help our veterans by providing meaningful work and service utilizing all their incredible skills acquired in the military and through STS.  

Even more profound than this, Soldiers To Sidelines and energy companies can emPOWER our upstanding service members to tremendously impact society. This might be the best partnership ever created. The energy industry powers the growth of our communities and veterans by inspiring and motivating young athletes to be the best they can be. If you have served in the military or beginning to transition, click the link below to discover which jobs might be available to you in your region. There are opportunities in every corner of the U.S.A.   If you have completed a Soldiers To Sidelines seminar, be sure to have your certificate ready to prove that you have the high human skills necessary to lead most effectively.

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