First Clinic is a Success
Jul 01, 2015
Soldiers to Sidelines held its first youth football clinic on Sunday, June 28 at Bishop O'Connell's field in Arlington, Virginia. Four Soldier Coaches inspired 50 youth football players on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The Soldier Coaches had the opportunity to hone their coaching skills by coaching alongside some the best high school and college coaches in the area. Coaches representing Bishop O'Connell High School, DeMatha High School, Good Counsel High School, Wakefield High School, Westfield High School, Pollatti High School, Friendship Collegiate High School, and Bridgewater College volunteered their time to develop these Soldier Coaches and provide an incredible FREE clinic to local youth football players. Athletes learned some of the best techniques at all positions on the football field culminating into a fun seven on seven scrimmage. All the kids had so much fun that we are excited to plan the next clinic soon. Thank You to all who have donated their money and time to make this clinic a major success!
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